Climatic factors

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climatic factors - éghajlatot alakító tényezők

main - fő, legfontosabb

factor - tényező

latitude - egyenlítőtől való távolság

the distance from the coastline - az óceánoktól való távolság

coastline - partvonal

altitude - tengerszint feletti magasság

effect - hatás

rainfall - csapadék

amount - összeg

affect - hat valamire

Equatorial - Egyenlítő körüli

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There are three main factors that affect the elements of climate and weather. These are the latitude, the distance from the coastline and the altitude.


Latitude has an effect on temperature. The temperature is lower and lower from the Equator to the Poles because the angle of the Sun rays becomes less and less.

The distance from the coastline

The distance from the coastline has an effect on temperature. The distance from the coastline increases, the summer will be warmer, the winter will be colder and the amount of the rainfall decreases.


Altitude has an effect on temperature. The temperature gets colder with increased altitude, 1°C every 200 m. Altitude has an effect on rainfall. There is more rain in the mountains.

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