Weather and climate

New words:

angle - szög

along - mentén

reach - elér

less - kevesebb

low - alacsony

darkness - sötétség

cool - hűvös

tropical zone - trópusi övezet

temperate zone - mérsékelt övezet

polar zone - hideg övezet

Weather and climate depends on the angle of the sun's rays.

  • Along the Equator the sun's rays reach the surface of the Earth at a 90° angle.
  • The angles of the sun's rays less and less from the Equator the the Poles.
  • The temperature is lower and lower from the Equator to the Poles. The temperature is the lowest at the Poles.

Climate zones:


  1. The tropical zone is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
  2.  It is always hot along the Equator, there aren't any seasons.
  3.  There is a lot of rain all the year around.


  1. The temperate zone is between the Tropics and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles
  2. There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


  1. The Polar zone is at the Poles.
  2. The ground is covered with snow all year.
  3. There are two seasons: very long and cold winter, short and cool summer.
  4. There are six months darkness and six months light.

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