
New words:

fungus - gombaféle

chlorophyll - klorofill

own - saját

saprophyte - korhadéklakó

organism - szervezet

absorb - elnyel

decaying - bomló

decomposition - bomlás

release - szabadon bocsát

fertile - termékeny

relationship - kapcsolat

stalk - tönk

ring - gallér

gill - spóratartó lemez

Death Cap - gyilkos galóca

poisonous - mérgező

cup - bocskor

edible - ehető

hyphae - gombafonal

champignon - csiperke

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Death Cap
Death Cap

Read and learn:


  • Do not have chlorophyll.
  • Most of them saprophytes.
  • They are very important in the decomposition of plants and animals.
  • They make the soil more fertile.

Parasitism is a relationship that is good for one organism and bad for the other.

Most mushrooms:

  • They have an umbrella-like cap and stalk. Some of them have a ring on the stalk.
  • They have gills to store spores.
  • They reproduce by spores.

Death Cap:

  • poisonous
  • green cap
  • white gills and white stalk
  • ring and cap


  • edible
  • white
  • the gills are pink, later they are brownish
  • they haven't cup
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