Features shown on the map

New words:

geographical features - felszínformák

lowland - síkság

represent - bemutat

height number - magassági szám

plain - alföld

highland - fennsík

polder - mélyföld

peak - hegycsúcs

Great Plain - Alföld

Danube - Duna

Transdanubia - Dunántúl

Transdanubian Range of Hills - Dunántúli-dombság

Transdanubian Middle Mountain Range - Dunántúli-középhegység

Foot of the Alps - Alpokalja

Northern Middle Mountain Range - Északi-középhegység

Lesser Plane - Kisalföld

cardinal directions - fővilágtájak

intercardinal directions - mellékvilágtájak

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Read and learn:

  • Geographical features: lowlands, hills, mountains, bodies of water, valleys.
  • On a physical map these features are represented by different colours and height numbers.
  • Sea level is 0 m and its colour is blue.
  • lowlands are green on the map and theirs height is 0-200 m.
  • Polders are deeper than the sea level. They are darker green on the map.
  • The hills are yellowish-brown on the map. Theirs height is 200-500 m.
  • Mountains are brown on the map. Higher mountains are darker. The height of the middle mountain ranges is between 500-1500 m. High mountains are above 1500 m.
  • The highest peak of Hungary is Kékes, 1014 m.
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