Deciduous trees
New words:
characteristic feature - jellegzetesség
acorn - makk
cluster - csoport, fürt
inflorescence - virágat
identify - azonosít
monoecious - egylaki
apart - egymástól
underwood - aljnövényzet
lobed - karéjos
sessile oak - kocsánytalan tölgy
angiosperm - zárvatermő
stalk - szár, kocsány
underwood - aljnövényzet
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Deciduous trees:
- they shed their leaves in autumn and grow new leaves in spring.
- the characteristic features of oak trees:
- hardwood tree that produces acorns
- its bark is grey
- shiny, lobed, dark green leaves and wide-spreading crown
- flowers in clusters are called inflosescence
- both male and female flowers on the same plant
- monoecious plant
Thes sessile oak
- doesn't have stalk
- sits directly on the twigs
- angiosperm
Features of the oak forest
- oak trees need a lot of light
- the trees stand far apart
- open canopies
- rich underwood
parts of the sessile oak
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