Healthy lifestyle
New words:
carbohydrates - szénhidrátok
fats - zsírok
proteins - fehérjék
minerals - ásványi anyagok
proper - megfelelő
to be on friendly terms - barátságban lenni
eating habit(s)- étkezési szokás(ok)
healthy lifestyle - egészséges életmód
important - fontos
Read and learn:
A healthy lifestyle contains helathy eating habits, a proper daily routine, spending your free time well and being on friendly terms with your family and friends. Eating habits are important. Here are some advice:
- eat regular meals
- be active
- drink lots of water
- eat fruit for a snack
Be in the fresh air as much as you can! At your age you need 9-10 hours of sleep a day.
Types of food
- Carbohydrates: energy giving food
- Fats: store energy in body
- Proteins: body building and repearing
- Vitamines and minerals: keep body healthy, fight diseases
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