Maps for everyday use
New words:
detail - részlet
sightseeing places - látnivalók
useful - hasznos
foreigner - külföldi
explain - elmagyaráz
legend - jelmagyarázat
key list - jelmagyarázat
hiking - túrázni
path - ösvény, csapás
way marking - turistajelzés
signal - jeladás
satellite system - műholdrendszer
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Tourist map
- Tourist maps contain the names of cities, towns, streets and squares. These maps have information about the sightseeing places, theatres, cinemas, castles, hospitals, parking areas, cafés, restaurants etc. that can be useful for a foreigner.
- The symbols are called legend or key list.
Hiking in the forest
- The way markings are usually painted on the barks of trees. They show the forest path.
- GPS unit takes signals from a satellite system, so you can find your position anywhere on the Earth.

hiking keys

legend of a tourist map
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