
New words:

the hardest - a legkeményebb

set of teeth - fogsor

permanent - állandó

important - fontos

in many ways - sok tekintetben

clearly - tisztán

incisor - metszőfog

canine - szemfog

molar - őrlőfog

tear - tép

grind - őröl

bite - harap

chew - rág

Read and learn the text:

Teeth are the hardest parts of your body. You have two sets of teeth. Your first teeth are milk teeth. Soon you will lose these teeth. New teeth will grow. There are permanent teeth.

Teeth are important in many ways. For example, teeth give shape to your face. They also allow you to speak clearly. Teeth allow you to bite and chew food.

Every person has three different kinds of teeth. They are the molars, caninens and incisors. Each of them has a different job. Incisors' job is to cut food. Canines' job is to tear food. Molars' job is to grind food.

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