The forests of Hungary
New words:
elevation of the sea level- tengerszint feletti magasság
prefer - előnyben részesít
poor - szegény
structure - szerkezet
accustom to something - alkalmazkodik valamihez
community - társulás
vertical stratification - függőleges tagozódás
mossy - mohás
herb - gyep
fern- páfrány
shrub - cserje
made up - alkotják
shade - árnyék
provide - gondoskodik valamiről
shelter - menedék
beetle - bogár
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Read and learn:
- Oak trees can be found at the lowest level of the forest.
- Oak prefer warm weather and deep soil.
- Beech grow higher where the soil is thicker and poorer; the weather is cooler.
- Pine trees can be found in the higher places.
- Forests have vertical stratification from the top to the bottom:
- root level
- herb level
- shrub level
- canopy level
- emergent level
- Forest provide shelter and food for many animals.