The Transdanubian Middle Mountain Range
New words:
range - hegylánc
according to - valaminek megfelelően
age - kor
crystallized - kristályosodott
granite - gránit
volcanic - vulkanikus
andesite - andezit
karst water - karsztvíz
natural - természeti
resource - forrás
preserve - megőriz
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The height of the Transdanubian Middle Mountain Range is below 1500 m, its highest peak is the Pilis, 756 m. We can group the parts of the range according to their ages and rocks. Its parts are Bakony, Vértes, Gerecse, Pilis, Buda and Velencei mountains.
Crystallized granite is the rock of the Velencei mountains. It is older than the limestone mountains. The volcanic andesite is the rock of the Visegrád mountains.
The climate of the mountains
The climate of the mountains is cooler than the climate of the plains, and there is a lot of rain.
Underground waters of the mountains
The water stored in the limestone mountains is called karst water. It is very important natural resource.
The two big lakes of the area are the Lake Balaton and the Lake Velencei. The mountains are covered with forests. The Balaton Highland National Park preserves the nature.