The woodpecker

New words:

sharp - éles

hole - lyuk

toe - lábujj

excellent - kiváló

feed on - táplálkozik

habit - szokás

appearance - megjelenés

chisel - véső

drill - fúr

pointing - mutatva

forward - előre

backward - hátrafelé

grip - kapaszkodás

primarily - elsősorban

altricial - fészeklakó

helpless - tehetetlen

hatch - kikel

blind - vak

naked - csupasz

nest - fészek

nestling - fióka

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Woodpecker is a small bird with black and white feathers on its body. The male has a red spot on the back of its head. The woodpecker's strong beak is as sharp as a chisel. It uses it to find insects under bark and to drill holes in trees. It has got long and sticky tongue. The woodpecker has  sepecial legs. Its foot has four toes, two pointing forward and two pointing backward. This position of the toes give the bird an excellent grip for climbing on the sides of the trees.

Eating habits

Woodpeckers feed primarily on insects and their larvae. They feed on worms also, which they find under the bark of trees.


Woodpeckers are altricial birds. Altricial birds are quite helpless at hatching. They are blind, often naked, and completely depend on their parents. The parents feed them, bring them water, clean the nest and warm the nestlings.

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