Wind and precipitation
New words:
outdoor - külső
parallel - párhuzamos
depend on - függ valamitől
blow - fúj
breeze - szellő
occur - előfordul
precipitation - csapadék
hail - jégeső
dew - harmat
frost - zúzmara
sleet - havas eső
fog - köd
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Wind is the outdoor movement of the air. Its movement is parallel to the surface of the land. The name of the wind depends on the direction it blows from. For example the nothern wind blows from north and the southern wind blows from south. Wind classification are light breeze, strong breeze, storm and tornado. A hurricane is also a kind of tornado, but it occurs over a sea or ocean.
Types of precipitation:
- rain
- snow
- hail
- dew
- frost
- sleet
- fog


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